Characteristics of the means and methods of formation, implementation and support of state youth policy in the subjects of the Russian Federation

  • Polozov M.I.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


The main instrument of the state in solving the issues and problems of the young population of the country, the establishment of tasks of the state, control of their execution is social policynamely the state youth policy, which includes various ways and means of formation, implementation and support of state and public of initiatives to the younger generation .

The purpose of this research will be a short characteristic of the basic facilities and ways of formation, supporting and implementing the state youth policy in the Russian Federation.

Youth, state youth policy, project method, action-oriented programs, gifted young people, motion of volunteers, youth family, grants, youth parliamentarianism, youth social organization.

Keywords: youth; state youth policy; project method; action-oriented programs; gifted young people; motion of volunteers; youth family; grants; youth parliamentarianism; youth social organization.